Comeback to me for a while
Count the colours at your time
‘Cause everything belongs to you forever.
‘Cause everything belongs to you forever.
You’ve turned into a genius
In a interstellar broken explosion
‘Cause everything belongs to you for a while.
Comeback to me forever for a while.
I don’t, I don’t, and I don’t really exist before you
And when Crete conceived you as a queen.
Comeback wide-eyed girl
Take a few nuclear dots for your sky
‘Cause you’re the open-minded (glaukopis) at all
(Zeus will never find you).
I don’t, I don’t, and I don’t really exist before you
And when Crete conceived you as a queen
I don’t, I don’t, and I don’t really exist before you
And when Crete conceived you as the first queen.